U.S. hardens sanctions against Venezuela, Lima conference begins (Aug. 6, 2019)
U.S President Donald Trump slapped new economic sanctions on Venezuela yesterday -- the measure freezes the property and assets of the Venezuelan government and those of any individuals who assist Venezuelan officials affected by the order.
The U.S. executive order cited "the continued usurpation of power" by President Nicolás Maduro as well as "human rights abuses, including arbitrary or unlawful arrest and detention of Venezuelan citizens, interference with freedom of expression, including for members of the media, and ongoing attempts to undermine Interim President Juan Guaidó and the Venezuelan National Assembly’s exercise of legitimate authority in Venezuela," reports the New York Times. Exemptions include official business of the federal government and transactions related to the provision of humanitarian aid, reports CNN.
The new sanctions were described by some news outlets as a total embargo, though other articles said it falls just short of that. "Notably, it spares Venezuela’s still sizable private sector," explains the Associated Press. Nonetheless, they "mark a significant escalation of pressure," according to the Wall Street Journal.
Experts differed on the real impact they'll have. Some predicted moderate effects, given existing sanctions, while economist Francisco Rodríguez said the move could harm the country’s surviving private firms. WOLA researcher Geoff Ramsey, told the AP that the measures would aggravate a humanitarian crisis even with the exceptions in place aimed at shielding the country's most vulnerable. Venezuelans today were bracing for more hardship, but were not optimistic that the measures will hasten Maduro's departure, reports the Washington Post.
It is the first time in 30 years that the U.S. has frozen the assets of a western nation, according to El País, which said more sanctions could be announced today. The action puts Venezuela on par with Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria, the only other countries under a similar full embargo, reports the Washington Post.
Guaidó celebrated the new sanctions as a protection of Venezuelan assets from the Maduro regime. (Tal Cual)
The new U.S. onslaught against Maduro comes as representatives for more than 60 countries and international organisms are in Peru for the International Conference for Democracy in Venezuela, organized by the Lima Group. Notably absent are representatives of Maduro, and Russia and China who declined to attend. Bolivia, Turkey and Cuba are also skipping. Most of those participating have recognized Guaidó as Venezuela's legitimate interim president. Though the initial plan was to not invite opposition representatives in order to avoid polarization, Julio Borges, the opposition-led National Assembly's representative to the Grupo Lima, will participate, according to Infobae.
U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton on Monday warned China and Russia that Venezuela's ability to pay back its considerable debt to them could be compromised if they continue to support President Nicolás Maduro. Bolton spoke from Lima, on the eve of the summit. Bolton said he would give a speech at the summit that outlines a new U.S. initiative to find a peaceful transfer of power in Venezuela.(Reuters)
Venezuelan government representatives continued meetings with the political opposition in Barbados last week, according to a Friday statement by mediator Norway's foreign ministry. (Reuters) Bolton belittled the ongoing talks, saying they are "not serious" and their continuation favors Maduro.
Indeed, Trump's new sanctions against Venezuela could impact the talks, considered a last chance for a political transition in Venezuela. According to the New York Times, Maduro's negotiators offered presidential elections in exchange for lifting of U.S. sanctions.
News Briefs
Gun Control
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