Former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s victory in Brazil could be a game changer for Amazon conservation policies, and could provide a critical boost to international deforestation efforts. Lula, who takes office in January, has promised to fight for zero deforestation in the Amazon.
“Brazil is ready to resume its leading role in the fight against the climate crisis,” Mr. da Silva told supporters in his victory speech on Oct 30. “We will prove once again that it’s possible to generate wealth without destroying the environment.” (New York Times)
Brazil is advancing in talks with Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to form a strategic conservation alliance, nicknamed an “Opec for rainforests”, in keeping with a campaign promise of Lula’s, reports the Guardian.
The alliance could permit the countries to make joint proposals on carbon markets and finance, for developed countries to fund rainforest conservation. Carbon markets have been hampered by low prices, but an alliance could help boost the price for avoided CO2 emissions, reports Reuters.
The report comes as the U.N. COP27 climate summit is taking place in Sharm el-Sheikh. Lula could potentially attend, though he does not assume office until January.
Celso Amorim, Lula’s main foreign policy advisor, said the president-elect plans to invite regional leaders to an Amazon forest summit in 2023. (New York Times)
Deforestation accelerated significantly — a 72 percent increase — in Brazil under current President Jair Bolsonaro’s watch. The administration weakened enforcement of regulations, slashed funding for environmental agencies, fired experts, and undermined Indigenous rights. And activists say illicit deforestation activities were emboldened by Bolsonaro’s encouragement.
Bolsonaro's government pledged last year, at COP26, to end Brazilian deforestation by 2028. Preliminary government data shows Brazil far off that track, with forest clearing rising another 23% in 2022 after hitting a 15-year high in 2021. (Reuters)
Lula oversaw an 80 percent decline in deforestation during his presidencies, and has promised to repeat the feat, though analysts say he will struggle to implement a conservation agenda with a unfavorable Congress. (New York Times and New York Times)
Nonetheless, some predictions are optimistic. An analysis by the climate website Carbon Brief suggests that under Lula’s next administration, annual deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon could be down by nearly 90 percent by the end of the decade. (Vox)
During this campaign, Lula outlined an ambitious set of green development proposals and promised to restore protections for Indigenous communities. (Huffington Post)
A key task for Lula's government will be to restore the agencies and nongovernmental organizations that work on the ground to protect indigenous lands as well as protected Amazon rainforest, notes Axios.
Norway’s minister of climate and environment told reporters that he would be in touch with Lula resume cooperation between the two countries. Between 2009 and 2019, Norway and Germany donated over $1.2 billion to the Amazon Fund, a financing mechanism for environmental protection agencies in Brazil, developed in Lula’s presidency. Bolsonaro disbanded the fund’s governing body, which froze all of its operations. (New York Times)
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